Saturday, August 23, 2008

Brendan's Busy Week

We had absolutely gorgeous weather this week - high 70s to low 80s - so I took advantage and brought Brendan all around town.

Wednesday we went back to the Kensico Dam and hung out. We were enjoying ourselves under a nice big, shady tree when all of a sudden the damn sprinklers started shooting at us. I scooped up Brendan and ran away screaming I'm melting, I'm melting. Meanwhile the stroller, carseat, diaper bag, video camera, digital camera and towels were right in the line of fire. Thankfully, a woman who was sitting nearby was nice enough to grab it and bring it over to me. What kind of morons decided that Noon would be a good time to turn on the sprinklers when there are always tons of people sitting on the grass during the day??? In all the hubbub I lost my damn car keys. I had a spare key but it didn't have the remote starter or lock button on it. (No worries, I found it the next day tucked safely in the diaper bag. Where, oh where has my brain gone?!)

Here's a pic a nice lady took of us (the zoom feature is not her friend):

The little guy got tunkered out:

Thursday we went to visit Auntie Jessica where Brendan had his first encounter with a dog, Tori (sorry if I spelled that wrong Jess!). He didn't seem terribly interested although she was very curious about him.

Yesterday we went to visit Grandma Annie. We started out in a very cute outfit but apparently Brendan didn't care for it very much. Instead of just telling me that he didn't like his outfit, he decided it would be best to launch some projectile vomit all over it. Sweet. Daddy says you can't wear a polo with "jams" (I've never heard of this word before, aren't they just called board shorts??). Mommy says a polo looks good with everything.

Here's the outfit he started out in:

I'm pretty sure Grandma Annie is telling him classified information about Mommy here:

And here are some other pictures of him from that day, just because he's too darn cute!!! (Not that I'm biased or anything.)

Today we went to Nana Darlene's company picnic and met lots of new people. Everyone was very excited to meet the little baby that Nana brags (er, talks) about so much! He flirted with all the pretty ladies he met, flashing them his beautiful smile and big blue eyes.

Brendan is 1 month, 3 weeks, 3 days old today!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Where has the time gone...

So I've been seriously slacking on my blogging, so sorry. Brendan is 7 weeks old today and getting bigger by the second and reaching some really cool milestones. He's so much more alert now, he's laughing and cooing away at the toy bar on his bouncy chair as I type this. According to my baby book he can see up to 10 feet away now - you've come a long way baby! He turns his head when he hears familiar voices and he follows people when they move around the room. And the smiles! Beautiful, genuine smiles, not the ones that mean he's launching an air attack. Now these may seem like no big deal but to Mommy and Daddy they're huge. It means he's now an interactive toy rather than the blob he used to be when he first came home (although blobs have advantages too, like not needing to be entertained constantly).

I took the baby to the Kensico Dam last week so I could get some exercise walking around. He got pretty restless after the third lap so I set up a blanket under a nice shady tree and we hung out for a few hours enjoying the gorgeous weather. He was sooooo excited, laughing and cooing and flailing his arms and legs all around. It was so much fun to see him like that and of course I went nuts with the camera but the little ham didn't mind it one bit.

We have just 5 weeks left before I go back to work. That is most definitely going to be a sad day for me. But I have something even worse looming on the horizon that will happen before that... Brendan's 2-month checkup where he'll receive his first set of shots. Oh Lord. This is going to suck BIG TIME. He has an appt on 9/9 and I am dreading it. He cries when they weigh him, nevermind when they actually do something that hurts. I'm going to go ahead and announce that I will be crying that day. I would say that I'd try to be strong but there's just no way. If he's crying, I'll be crying for sure. There's nothing worse than hearing your baby cry and not being able to do anything for him. Especially since he won't understand what's happening and why I'm not doing anything to stop it.

Sleep is still mostly elusive at this point. Last night he woke up at 3am for a bottle and decided that he wanted to stay up for a while. Then he woke up again at 5:30am to eat, yet again, and gave me about 5 minutes of sleep before he woke up at 6and declared it was time to wake up for the day. He teases us about once a week by sleeping for a 4-5 hour stretch after midnight. He's been known to do these stretches during the day or in the early evening when it doesn't really count. I get excited thinking that maybe he's finally going to start sleeping through the night and then the next day he's back to eating every 2-3 hours at night. Not fun. But then I look at his cute little smiling face and I can't be frustrated for too long.

Here are some recent pics:

Laundry Day:


Hanging Out:

Brendan is 1 month, 2 weeks, 5 days old today!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Brendan's Big Weekend

First let me backtrack and say that the little bugger has packed on some poundage since his one week pedi appt! He had his one month checkup last Thursday and has grown 2.25 inches and 2lb 4oz since birth so he's now 22.25 inches tall and 9lb 3oz. He hates being naked and getting weighed because it's always so freaking cold in the dr's office. But he was a happy little clam when I got him dressed and snuggled him up to me. He was passed out within minutes. We have another appt the first week of September where he'll get his first shots. I'm going to be a wreck, I just know it.

Fast forward to this past weekend. Brendan and Mommy hung out with Grandma Darlene on Saturday. He got to spend some QT with her while Mom got a much-needed nap! Maybe one day before the summer is over we can get to that pool at Grandma Darlene's apartment complex!

Brendan got to meet a lot of very important people this weekend. His Uncle Keith and Aunt Shannon came up from Florida and Aunt Lauren came up from Philadelphia. He also got to meet some other friends and relatives at Grandma Annie's big BBQ on Sunday. Mommy got a nice break as everyone fought over who got to hold and feed the baby. It was wonderful to see everyone and I think all his aunties and uncles that he got to meet absolutely adore him. Now he just needs to meet the rest of the Florida clan!

Here are some pictures from the weekend (notice who is asleep in EVERY picture!):

Hanging with Grandma Annie on the hammock:

Aunt Lauren:

Uncle Keith and Aunt Shannon:

Cousin Adria:

Mommy and Uncle Keith watching Brendan do tummy time:

Grandma Annie's friend Sassy:

Mommy, Grandma Annie, Aunt Lauren, Uncle Keith:

A shot of family and friends at the BBQ (I look pretty damn stunning):

Brendan is 1 month, 1 week old today!