Wednesday we went back to the Kensico Dam and hung out. We were enjoying ourselves under a nice big, shady tree when all of a sudden the damn sprinklers started shooting at us. I scooped up Brendan and ran away screaming I'm melting, I'm melting. Meanwhile the stroller, carseat, diaper bag, video camera, digital camera and towels were right in the line of fire. Thankfully, a woman who was sitting nearby was nice enough to grab it and bring it over to me. What kind of morons decided that Noon would be a good time to turn on the sprinklers when there are always tons of people sitting on the grass during the day??? In all the hubbub I lost my damn car keys. I had a spare key but it didn't have the remote starter or lock button on it. (No worries, I found it the next day tucked safely in the diaper bag. Where, oh where has my brain gone?!)
Here's a pic a nice lady took of us (the zoom feature is not her friend):
The little guy got tunkered out:
Thursday we went to visit Auntie Jessica where Brendan had his first encounter with a dog, Tori (sorry if I spelled that wrong Jess!). He didn't seem terribly interested although she was very curious about him.
Yesterday we went to visit Grandma Annie. We started out in a very cute outfit but apparently Brendan didn't care for it very much. Instead of just telling me that he didn't like his outfit, he decided it would be best to launch some projectile vomit all over it. Sweet. Daddy says you can't wear a polo with "jams" (I've never heard of this word before, aren't they just called board shorts??). Mommy says a polo looks good with everything.
Here's the outfit he started out in:
I'm pretty sure Grandma Annie is telling him classified information about Mommy here:
And here are some other pictures of him from that day, just because he's too darn cute!!! (Not that I'm biased or anything.)
Today we went to Nana Darlene's company picnic and met lots of new people. Everyone was very excited to meet the little baby that Nana brags (er, talks) about so much! He flirted with all the pretty ladies he met, flashing them his beautiful smile and big blue eyes.
Brendan is 1 month, 3 weeks, 3 days old today!