Brendan had his very first sleepover at Grandmama's house without Mommy. Kenny and I had a party to go to and didn't want to worry about what time we came home and waking up at the crack of dawn after a night out. Despite all my worries about him being devastated when I left and then waking up every hour on the hour crying for his Mama, he did wonderfully well. In fact, I'm not sure he missed me one bit. But I suppose that's a good thing.
We had our first real snow storm last weekend and Brendan got to go on his first sleigh ride. I bundled him up in his snow pants, snow boots, hat, gloves and puffy jacket like a little burrito. He was a little wary at first once we got outside--I think he's like his Mama and doesn't care too much for the cold. But once he warmed up he had a lot of fun.
Almost ready!
Having a snack after the sleigh ride
Look at those lashes!
We've had presents under our tree for a good two weeks and Brendan has not even acknowledged them. So I assumed that he wouldn't be terribly interested in opening them just like when we opened presents after his birthday. But he LOVED it! I can just see him now going to other people's parties and opening all their gifts when no one is looking. Of course, being the only grandchild on both sides, Sir made out like a bandit.
Christmas Eve was spent at Grandmama & Grandpapa's house:
The pointer finger attacks!
Christmas morning at home:
Christmas day at Nana's house:
Opening presents with Uncle Scott
A slide! In the house!
Ho ho ho!
Brendan is 5 days away from 18 months old today! (OMG!!!!)