Someone has taken my loving, even-tempered, good-natured, little lovebug and replaced him with a hormonal bipolar teenager. Oh, and before anyone starts in with "it's normal" or "just wait" with an all-knowing I'm a mom and I've been there before smugness - let me save you some oxygen and let you know right now that it's not helpful. Mmmkay? Thanks.
::open scene::
"Yay! Everything is WONDERFUL! I'm so HAPPY!"
adorable toddler peels back his face to reveal a demon"ROOOOOOOOOOOAAAAARRRRRRRRRR!!! I don't want that crayon/train/cookie/cup/whatever you're trying to give me. I want that OTHER thing that I can't tell you I want because Mommy can't understand my mishmosh words and therefore has absolutely no idea what sort of important request I'm attempting to make."
::Cue music for dramatic scene::
Roll around on floor, flailing arms and legs, let out a few screams like someone just killed your puppy, gasp for air and gag until you almost throw up replaces demon face with adorable face "Why is everyone staring at me? I'm so HAPPY! Let's play and dance and sing!"
::end scene::
Truly people, it's exhausting. And I know I'm preaching to the choir; I'm not the first parent to go through this and certainly won't be the last. But I'm most definitely going to moan about it.
Brendan is 20.5 months old today!