We officially moved into our new house on August 21st. We LOVE it. It's roomy and fun and best of all -- it's all ours. The roof that we had to patch, the septic pump we had to replace, the electric panel we had to replace -- all ours! No one ever said owning a home was cheap!
Brendan is getting smarter by the second. He says a lot of ridiculously funny things, like:
Mommy be nice to the song! (whenever I sing)
I love big boobies!
Where's your penis Mommy?
Where'd my (boogie, penis, insert random noun here) go? Oh, there he is!
And he's very complimentary too. He'll tell me great counting, or dancing or whatever I'm doing at the moment. Great job Mommy! Good manners too, lots of pleases and thank yous (or just enthusiastic "thanks!").
There are so many other ones that I just can't remember at the moment. I really have to get better at writing them down.
We hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year. Mom stayed over the night before so she could get up nice and early to help me cook. Everything turned out perfectly; no one had food poisoning so that's promising.
We skipped sitting on Santa's lap this year. B is a little suspicious of strangers, especially big ones in funny red suits. Santa may bring him toys under the Christmas tree if he promises to sneak in and out quietly. But in-person visits? No thanks! Mima and Papa hosted and had a nice crowd, including Nana and Uncle Scotch and Aunt Lauren. And of course everyone spoiled him rotten. Doesn't hurt to be the only grandchild!
B is starting a new daycare next week. I have such anxiety over the transition, not to mention saying goodbye to his beloved Chrissy that's watched him since he was a little ball of 12-week-old mush. That's going to be a really hard goodbye. :*( She's been so wonderful to him and he has a very special place in her heart; she's already said how her heart is breaking at seeing him go. Ack, I'm getting upset just writing about it.
The new place will be great, it's a preschool right around the corner from us so it will chop off about 20 minutes from my currently 1.5 hour commute. He'll meet more children his age that live in the area and that he will eventually go to school with. All great things. But he's really awful in new situations. Kenny and I were both super shy growing up and B takes after us big-time in that respect. I have the drop-off so of course I have the hard job of seeing him get upset when I leave him in this new place. Kenny gets to be the hero and pick him up at the end of the day. I just keep reminding myself that I don't remember anything from when I was 2.5. So he'll be just fine. Me? Might take a while to recover.
I'll be back soon... I promise. With pictures!