This past weekend we braced ourselves for hurricane Irene, who was making her way up the east coast. Thankfully, by the time she got to us on Sunday she had weakened to a tropical storm but that didn't stop the power from going out. For four days. Now that we're way out here in the boonies we have well water. Well this little lady who grew up on public water systems did not realize that when the power goes out the water goes out too. Yeah, no electricity means no pump, which means no flushing toilets or running water.
Nana, Brendan and I roughed it for a day before B and I threw in the towel and headed to Mima and Papa's house. There's only so many times you can do a Spiderman puzzle by candlelight before you begin to lose your mind. Nana had power at her apartment so she headed home. Kenny had gotten called into work very early Sunday morning and ended up working pretty much non-stop for three days.
We are very lucky that we had a place to go, I can't imagine what a beast I'd be right now if we had to stick out here at the house for four days without any power or water. Or what I'd look or smell like for that matter.
Brendan and I shared a room, which I think he enjoyed. He pretty much talked my ear off every night while I tried desperately to get some sleep before work the next morning. I can laugh about it now but when you're pregnant and exhausted and not sleeping in your own bed, it's entirely possible to lose your mind over something that under any other circumstances would be absolutely adorable.
I did cherish our little sleepovers though, that kid is really very cute and loving and completely fascinating. On one of his neverending story sessions he told me about "getting the alligator and wrapping your arms around his teeth and throwing him down and that's how you do it Mommy." This is the kind of weird stuff three-year-olds discuss at 9:00 at night when you're trying to go to sleep.
Throughout all this, my little inside baby was kicking up a storm, as if telling me he/she was all right and everything was going to be OK. And speaking of the little person in there, we [hopefully] get to find out what we're having on Tuesday. Please cooperate little one! Mama has a compulsive need to know everything, not to mention a nursery to decorate.