November 15th started and ended normally enough. Brendan went down at 8:30 -- an hour past his usual bedtime but this happens every once in a while so I didn't think much of it. He woke up at 12:50am for a bottle and fell back to sleep within 15 minutes. He woke up at 1:30am and was crying like someone was stabbing him. We tried desperately to calm him down. Kenny did laps around the room, bouncing him around and that helped a little. But every time we went to lay him down in the crib the hysterics would start again. Finally, Kenny put him in the bouncy seat on his side of the bed and turned on the TV and I rocked him until he fell asleep around 3:00am. Not 20 minutes later he woke up screaming again. We went through the routine again and nothing was helping. I brought the swing into the bedroom, put it next to my side of the bed and he fell asleep in there for about 2 hours. But then at 6:30am he woke up again screaming.
We finally decided it was time to go to the ER. Got to the hospital and of course once we were there he seemed totally fine. I was starting to feel like a giant idiot. Then the dr came in and he was giggling away at her while she was checking him. She got to his ears and the hysterics started again. Sure enough, both ears were infected. Poor thing. We were thinking it was a stomachache and here he was with two earaches. He never tugged at his ears, at least not more than he usually does when they don't hurt so we had no clue. The dr had us give him Motrin and gave us a Rx for amoxycillin. He was so not loving the yummy bubble gum flavored amoxycillin but after about a day he decided he absolutely LOVES the stuff. He's pretty confident that he can administer it himself as he's always grabbing the syringe with his chunky fingers and jamming it in his mouth. He'll be done with the medicine tomorrow (10 days) and then we have a follow-up appt with the pediatrician on Wednesday to make sure the infections are both cleared up.
We've been feeding him baby cereal for a few weeks now. He absolutely hated it at first and cried every time I tried to feed him. But then I started adding baby applesauce and now he can't get enough. Just like the medicine, he tries to grab the spoon and feed himself but he just ends up jamming himself in the gums. He's prety good at getting it all over his face. He has a habit of jamming his fist into his mouth in between spoonfuls, getting the cereal on his hand and then rubbing his face. This is why Mommy feeds him before bathtime.
Yesterday was Brendan's baptism. He was very well behaved, no crying or fussiness. Although, he did start talking during the ceremony. I guess he wanted to add a few words to the sermon. He's very religious, you know. My sister Lauren stood up as the godmother and Kenny's brother Scott is the godfather. After the ceremony we headed up to Grandma Annie's to hang out and have some food. Brendan changed out of his baptism outfit - which he wasn't terribly fond of - into an adorable little outfit that I tortured him with. In all fairness to me, I did leave out the bowtie. Once we were done with pictures I changed him into windpants and a cotton shirt. That boy has more clothes than Kenny and me combined. I suppose that's my fault. Daddy is guilty of adding to the growing wardrobe too though.
Some pictures for you.
Here we have Brendan doing his Jesus pose:
The happy family. By this point Brendan had enough with the pictures and refused to look anywhere near the direction of the camera:
The crew. Notice how we're all looking in different directions:
The happy family with the grandmas:
Looking dapper in his after-party outfit:
Brendan is 4 months, 3 weeks, 4 days old today!

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