Yesterday Brendan and I met up with Auntie Jill and her son Steven at the mall. We got some lunch first and Brendan sat in a high chair at the restaurant. It was his first time, normally he stays in his infant seat, and he loved it. Mr. Nosy kept looking (actually staring would be a more appropriate word) at the people sitting at the table to our left. When we were done eating we walked around the mall and he got to sit in the big boy stroller which he loved. After the mall we went to Christmas Tree Shop and he sat in the shopping cart. Another first.
Anyway, the point of my post is that while we were strolling around Christmas Tree Shop, I happened to look down and see him watching me with this look of absolute and utter adoration. Like I was the best thing since sliced bread. And he didn't look away all ashamed that I caught him. Instead, he gave me this beautiful, giant smile. And it occurred to me then, that I'm a kind of superhero to him. And Daddy too. Super Parents. When he's not feeling well, we have the ability to make it better with hugs and kisses. When he's fighting sleep, we have the ability to hold him and whisper how much we love him and rock him to sleep. When it's time to play we have the ability to make him fly, or bounce, or stand, whatever he feels like doing at that moment.
What an amazing feeling, to know that someone loves you so totally and unconditionally. So I'm going to keep reminding myself to cherish every second of the time I have with him right now. Because sooner or later the gig will be up. He'll grow up and somewhere along the way he'll learn that his parents don't know everything and we don't have any super powers to speak of. And he may even hate us now and then when we don't give him his way. But hopefully when he's a grown man with a family of his own, just like I did, he'll realize that parents really are superheroes and we did the best we could with what we had.
Brendan is seven months and two days old.

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