Gone is my little baby boy who fit in the crook of my arm and whose primary job was to sleep, save for the occasional bottle and diaper change (not to mention the bouts of diarrhea and vomit—which usually ended up on me, to varying degrees). In his place is a loud, opinionated, chatty little fellow who I'm pretty sure grows about 1/2 an inch a day (and still manages the occasional diaper blowout and vomit episodes). The transformation babies go through within their first year of life is truly amazing.
To keep track of the memories that my ever-worsening Mommy brain will rudely evict, I'm going to list some of the things that I'll miss when he stops being our little baby.
- The way he plays with my hair while I give him his bedtime bottle and rock him to sleep.
- The way Daddy's backrub technique puts him right back to sleep when he wakes up in the middle of the night.
- When he cries if I come home from work and don't IMMEDIATELY pick him up to say hello.
- The way his face explodes in a smile when we do our "stern parent" voice.
- The times when he wakes up way too early so I sit him up next to me while I lie down, and then feel his meaty little fist caressing my face.
- The way he practically lunges out of my arms to hang out with Daddy when it's time to play with the computer mouse before bed.
- The face he makes when we put finger foods in his mouth. (How dare you?! Oh wait, I think I kind of like this...)
That's all I can remember at the moment. I'll be sure and add more as they come to me. Below are pictures of Brendan with his friend Caden, my friend Fran's son. They were actually both in the midst of a diaper change but Mr. Fidgets had other ideas.
The attack of the meaty fist!
Brendan is 9 months, 1 week and 2 days old today!

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