We got there early enough for him to let off some steam before the show started. He practiced his walking, weaving in and out of the rows of chairs, which he found absolutely hysterical. We had seats in the front row, right in the center so all the characters came over to say hi and there were no kids or parents blocking our view. He sat on my lap and watched the show. Sure, there were moments here or there where he got fidgety but I pulled a toy out of the diaper bag and he would play with it for a minute, then watch the show again. Overall he did about 10,000 times better than I thought he would.
And marvel of all marvels, both Brendan and Steven fell asleep during the last five minutes of the show. Jill and I are not entirely sure how this was possible because the mic volume was clearly turned up to MAXIMUM plus about 5,000. But the only thing we could really think about was whether or not sleeping babies meant we would have to wait before we could go have lunch. Jill is pregnant, like last trimester pregnant. And well, I'm always hungry. And we were planning on having buffalo wings. BUFFALO WINGS! And a giant plate of french fries. And we had dietish breakfasts so we were STARVING, more than normal starving. Our worry was short-lived though, they woke up soon after the show ended.
So yeah, he did really well. But I will probably wait a while before I take that kind of chance again. Although, I did hear that Yo Gabba Gabba is coming here next month...
On another note, I'm pretty sure B has his first crush. Laurie Berkner. Every time she shows up on Nick Jr (we liked the Noggin name better, by the way!) singing her delightful tunes about F-A-M-I-L-Y and such he immediately stops whatever he's doing and watches her all mesmerized, with a smile that stretches from ear to ear. She does have a way with words, I'll give her that.
Oh, and by the way Moose, I don't like candy corn either.
Here are some recent pictures. Enjoy!
Reading up on one of the 50 states
Love this boy!
Giving an eye roll to the most recent tabloid scandal
Snoozing on G'Pa Charlie's lap.
The only time Gizmo will go anywhere near Brendan...