I calmed down enough to start to enjoy the prospect of a night out with old friends. Not 30 minutes after we got to the hotel, I was sitting around talking to the girls and noticed the skin around my eyes was VERY itchy. Like, I want to rip the skin off kind of itchy. Looked in the mirror and there they were. Big welty hives. On my eyelids. Fabulous. I was away that weekend for my college reunion. To see people that I hadn't seen in 10 YEARS and here I was with freaky swollen eyelids.
We went out to dinner and the hives went away so I foolishly decided not to stop for some Benadryl. Because if you take Benadryl you really shouldn't drink. And frankly, what's a reunion without a little alcohol? Priorities. Long story short, the hives came back while I was out and all I could do was put a cold bottle of beer on them to try and soothe the itch. Thankfully, the reunion itself was lame and we didn't see anyone we knew. My friends assured me that if you didn't know me, you would never know that something was wrong. Aren't they sweet.
B and Daddy survived a night without Mommy. Sigh. This is good, I know. But I will sigh anyway. They were supposed to miss me terribly, not have any fun without me, and just sit around all weepy until I returned. This did not happen. They had lots of fun and Daddy took some photographic evidence to prove that life continues to be fun even when Mommy is not around.
Exhibit A:
B has been getting a lot braver with taking steps on his own
Exhibit B:
Look Dad, 20% off!
Exhibit C:
Lounging. Fun is exhausting
Moral of the story: The world will not fall apart if I go away for a night. However, I will. Thus then, it will be a while before I attempt that again.
Brendan is 15 months, 1 week and 5 days old today!

"They were supposed to miss me terribly" :o(
We all feel that way because we give so much
I thought this blog was supposed to be about the baby? I spent 5 minutes reading about your cooties. Gross.
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