How is it possible that my baby is two years old?? In some ways it feels like just yesterday that I first held you in my arms, so tiny and new. And in others, it feels like you've been a part of my life for so much longer.
You're an observant little fellow, watching and absorbing everything around you. It's not unusual to see you following behind people, closing doors and drawers, lining up everyone's shoes by the doorway, singing the "clean-up" song while you put your toys away in just the right spot. Your little displays of OCD make Mommy's heart melt.
You're still a VERY picky eater—the list of foods that you'll eat without a fight is a short one: yogurt, macaroni & cheese, pizza, pasta, crackers and cinnamon graham goldfish. Meat is not your friend. And vegetables might as well be dog food.
Your vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. And for some reason you sound like you spent most of your young life growing up in the Bronx. Water is pronounced wahtuh; cars are cwahs. Every truck is a fire truck (fy tuck), but nothing excites you more than a train (choo choo tain).
You're very polite, always ready with a "peas" and "tank you"
(sometimes just "tanks") and you hug like a champ (complete with pats on the back) and give the best little kisses. But you're not afraid to boss us around when the feeling hits. Mommy and Daddy don't sit for more than a few minutes before you wander over demanding that we "come on" and "sit down" to help you build train tracks or play with cars.
Brendan, you are an amazing little being, so full of life and love, and I'm so proud to be your mother. I cannot think of anything more rewarding than the joy of watching you grow into the amazing young man I know you'll become.
Brendan is 2 years and 3 days old today!

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