Mima, Papa, Keith, Shannon, Lauren, B and I stayed in one cabin in Maine and then our extended family stayed in another cabin up the lake a bit. It was great to see everyone; we hadn't seen some of our family in almost 10 years!
Brendan was super toddler on the five-hour car ride up but things took a turn for the worse pretty much as soon as we got there. I had a stage five clinger on my hands the entire nine days we were there. Would not go to anyone but me; had no interest in going in any of the boats; insisted on being pushed in the stroller or carried if we went for a walk or to the beach. To make things even more awesome, he developed a fever for two days and threw up all over himself and the pack n' play during one of his naps. Thankfully Mima stayed composed and led the cleaning crusade. Once his fever broke he was covered in a rash so it was pretty clear that he had roseola.
Now that we're home again he's back to his usual charming self. Tonight he insisted on sitting on the potty not once, but three times in a ten-minute span. He has yet to actually do anything other than sit on it. I bought it just after he turned two to see if he had any interest. We aren't going to actively start until he shows more readiness signs but it's fun to pretend for now. He has this bit of a quirky thing where he must be completely naked when he goes on the potty. I've tried in vain to convince him that he can keep his shirt on but it's clearly a pointless battle.
Anyway, once he gets on there he insists on some quality reading material. As it happens, we have a magazine rack next to the toilet so he'll ask for a "sassine" (magazine) after he hoists himself up on the potty. And wouldn't you know, the only magazines available for perusing happen to be Maxim. So here's my naked toddler sitting on the toilet looking at women in their lingerie, pointing out their belly buttons and various other body parts, asking where their clothes are. To which I answer, "hmmmm, I don't know." Brilliant! Methinks someday that answer won't be good enough. I'll let Daddy handle it when we get there.
Here are some pics of the house and our trip. Enjoy!
The house!
Living room
Dining room
Family room
Car ride up to Maine - YGG!
The beautiful view from the dock
The cabin
Colors! (Brendan's way of saying "coloring")
Aunt Lauren fixing puppy's broken arm
Peaceful moment with Mommy
"Unkew Keef" sizing up the canoe
Tantrum #274
A very brave duck
Mima and Papa
Tantrum #568
The very adorable Sam, Elena and Megan
The family (minus Kenny, Betsy and Paul)
Tantrum #942
A very serious game of roofball
A rare sighting of happy Brendan!
Brendan is 2 years, 1 month and 11 days old today!

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