Once we find out I'll get motived to clean out the closet and pick some paint and bedding for the baby's room. Hopefully some loving family members will volunteer to help. :)
My outside baby finally got his big-boy bed, yay! It was getting too hard for me to hoist his 34lb body in and out of his crib with my growing belly. Not to mention, he was outgrowing that thing like nobody's business and the move was long overdue. We picked it up yesterday and B helped Papa and me put it together. Such a big helper! Only thing was the store was out of the tent thing that goes on top, which is the coolest part! They won't have it in stock until tomorrow and of course they don't deliver because the nearest one is an hour away. Lame. He slept in it for the first time last night and did fantastic. Didn't try to get out of bed and slept right through the night.
His other first last night was a gnarly fat lip. We put a baby gate in his bedroom doorway so he can't sneak out at night but it's got a bar at the bottom that's a total trip hazard. Poor guy was running full steam ahead into his room, tripped, and landed right on his face. His top lip was swollen and bleeding; he cried for a good 30 minutes, straight through his bath. A few bedtime stories in his new bed calmed him down though and this morning he was in good spirits even though he said his booboo wasn't better yet. By the time I picked him up from camp the swelling had gone down pretty much completely and has been replaced with a big scab. I'm now on a mission to find a new gate that won't cause any more injuries...
We have some pictures of the new bed and the fat lip but I haven't uploaded them. I also need to have Kenny take some belly pictures so I can compare this pregnancy to the one with Brendan. Someday I'll get around to uploading and posting them.

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