He was a model patient, as always, sitting up nice and straight and was very calm (and curious!) while the doctor listened to his heartbeat and checked his ears and eyes. She asked about the milestones he reached; one being whether he pointed at objects and he promptly responded by pointing at her, genius child that he is.
B weighed in at 22lb 5oz and 30.75" tall. His weight is somewhere around the lower middle range, while his height puts him at about the 75th percentile. I don't know his head measurement but whatever it is, it knocked him clear off the charts! Daddy found this very funny. Of course, B had a nice big black and blue on his forehead from one of his recent falls. Thankfully they didn't run out and call CPS on us.
He had to get his third HIB vaccine and first Hep A vaccine. Which pissed him off royally but thankfully he calmed down pretty quickly. We headed down to the lab next so they could draw two vials of blood to test for lead poisoning and anemia. As we were waiting in the lab I commented to Ken how much better B and I handle his shots now compared to his first ones at two months. And then I promptly ate my words.
Drawing blood, if you've ever had it done and I'm sure you have, is much worse than getting a shot because it's a prolonged kind of event. B sat on Daddy's lap while a nurse held one arm and the lab guy held his other one and took the blood. I made some excuse about needing to get the stroller out of the way and stood on the other side of the room. They put the needle in and it was quiet and I thought, wow, he's handling this really well! Then he turned toward me in slow motion and I saw his face, melted with absolute sadness and horror at the pain (oh, the pain!), and then he let out a wail that didn't stop until a few minutes after they took the needle out and he was safe in Daddy's arms again. I did not cry, interwebs, but my heart broke for him.
Next appointment is at 15 months. Eek.
Brendan is 1 year, 2 weeks and 6 days old today!

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