There's a booger waving at me.
Don't touch the poopoo.
We don't put our fingers in outlets.
Don't eat Mommy's hair.
You have fuzz hanging out of your mouth. Give it to me.
Come here and let me smell your heiny.
Things I never pictured myself doing...
Prying a booger from someone else's nose after it had been mocking me all day. Then doing the victory dance.
Laughing about getting poo on my finger. Multiple times.
Getting peed on. Multiple times.
Cleaning vomit off of myself, my child and his sheets during the wee hours of the morning. Multiple times.
Playing with Legos and race cars. Vroom vroom! I was always such a priss.
Falling so deeply in love with someone so much shorter than me.
Brendan is 19 months old today!

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