I've been enjoying a nice, long weekend with my little lovebug. My job gives us a 4-day weekend for Labor Day and Brendan's babysitter is away this week so I've been home with him since Friday and will be again tomorrow. Today we took a ride to the mall so I could drop my car off at Sears and get some new tires. My mom's neighbor pointed out that the front ones were basically bald over the weekend, which totally freaked me out. So while we waited for the new tires, B and I did some shopping. I was hoping to get him some new shoes but didn't find anything we liked in his size. We stopped and had some lunch and I took a chance by ordering something off of the kids' menu for B. I was all prepared to whip out the purees from the diaper bag but Mr. Finicky actually chowed down on some chicken fingers. My little boy is finally eating table food like a real, live person! Sure, it's greasy and deep fried but it's progress people, and that's really all that matters at this point. Right? Right. (I'm loving that you're so agreeable!)
After the mall we met Daddy at the barber for B's second haircut. I made sure to arrange this on my day off so I could be all paparazzi-like and take eleventy billion pictures. Below are some recent pictures, some are from a visit at Grandma Annie's, some are from a birthday party we went to over the weekend and some are from today's haircut. Enjoy!
Aren't they supposed to save this look for when they're teenagers??
Oh, the chub on those legs!
More chubby deliciousness
Giving a smooch to Uncle Scott
Taking a tour of the backyard with Daddy
With Nana
Hanging out with Daddy
Watching the progress in the mirror
Starting to get a little uneasy
I don't like this anymore!
And... apparently I forgot to take an "after" shot. We'll have to do that tomorrow before we head to the aquarium. YAY!
Brendan is 14 months, 1 week and 2 days old today!

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