When I finally decided it was time to get up I went out into living room and was instantly greeted with, "I have poopy." ::swoon:: And he did in fact have poopy. Which he graciously saved for Momby to deal with. As much as this wasn't the way I wanted to start my day, it was yet another reminder of just how much my precious little baby boy is growing up.
Sir and I went to a Superbowl party at my friend Jill's house. We had a great time playing with Steven and a few of his friends. Then we discovered the stairs. And we wanted to go up and down a few hundred times.
Now I'm far from old but I don't have the stamina for this sort of activity. So after the 37th time I told Sir that we were done with the stairs. As you can imagine, this did not go over so well. Hysterics. A little girl named Abby, who is about two weeks younger than Brendan, wasn't sure what to make of it so she just kept giving him hugs. It was close to the time I had planned to leave so we packed up and headed home.
I made the mistake of letting him walk down the stairs outside to the car and when we got to the bottom he turned around to do it all over again. I picked him up and carried him to the car while he wailed. I'm a mean, mean Mommy. The worst ever.
On the way home he would be quiet, then remember how mean his Momby is and start with the hysterics again. I tried to rub his arm as a gesture of peace and he picked it up and dropped it away from him like a diseased limb. Love you too babe.
By the time we got home he loved me again and all was right with the world. But oy, how my heart ached during those few minutes that he hated me. And this is just the beginning.
Eating his grilled cheese sandwich on the big boy chair.
Some serious bed-head going on.
Since the bedhead was so out of control, I decided to give him a fauxhawk
Brendan is 19 months and 8 days old today!

1 comment:
i LOVE the fauxhawk! he's adorable!
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