In keeping with the whole Armageddon theme that seems to be happening this winter, we got hit with a massive snowstorm Thursday and Friday. Since Daddy had to work, B and I went up Grandmama and Grandpapa's (Papa) house for a sleepover. After a yummy breakfast (Grandmama made B french toast which he gobbled right up), we headed out to play in the snow.
Helping Momby build a snow woman:

Begrudgingly cheesing it up for the camera:

He got bored with the snowpeople so Grandmama took him for a walk:

Then they came back and he gave the side-eye to the snowkid:

Papa built a hill for sledding in the backyard. Wee!

And a close-up, just because:

The End.
Brendan is 3 days shy of 20 months old today!
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